
Hello to anyone who has stumbled across this blog and welcome! This is my first post and I guess I will start off by telling you a little bit about me and why I decided to create this blog. First, I will start by saying that my name is Riley and I am 22 years old, living in Canada. I am two-ish weeks away from completing my undergraduate degree with a major in Philosophy and a minor in Anthropology. I am always asked what it is that I want to do with my degree and to be completely honest, I have no idea. As far as I know, I will graduate from university and proceed to go into a college program for Human Resources (HR) while also working. I’m really excited to be graduating but at the same time, and I’m sure I’m not alone, I am so nervous to be thrust into the adult world. I think my nervousness is partially why I decided to start this blog now. I just feel like I’m so unsure of what my future holds in terms of finding a job and earning enough money to pay for what I need/want that I need some control and some sort of an outlet for myself and a blog is a great way to achieve that!

My vision for this blog is to talk about things going on in my life and also to talk about or review some of my favourite things like books, makeup and (because I can’t live without this) tea! I don’t have any expectations for this blog as I’m sure it will grow and change, but I hope that some people feel comfortable enough to respond to what I’m writing about and to give some suggestions for what I should post about next.

I’m really excited to start a new chapter in my life and I think this blog will be a good way to document everything that is going on. I’m making this blog for myself right now but I do hope that people feel welcome here to comment or give suggestions or do whatever it is that they want to do!